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Overseas Wedding Photography. Pre Wedding Photography Francis’s photography is all about creating a timeless image which you can treasure for a lifetime. His distinctive style is founded throug
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藝豐行有限公司 Arts Fair Company Limited 由即日起,本店開倉清貨大減價, 大量貨品2折起, 歡迎光臨選購!! .各項麵粉黏土製作興趣班. 55)?5:0" /> 迷你瓜菜班 迷你生果班 A 班 $250 $250 B 班 $300 $300 C 班 $350 $350 逢星期三 1:00pm ~ 8:00pm 55)?5:0" /> 迷你花班 A 班 $380 B 班
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Tsim Sha Tsui, Studio for art jam party, also cater onsite art,offers private & group art class for kids or adults, perfect choice for you, art jamming event & lessons www.artexplosion.com.hk

About KoKocolor Ever since its launch in 1996, KoKocolor has been an industrial leader in glass mosaic solutions. Countless customers have trusted us with their important projects, knowing the qualit

The owner, Mr Victor Choi, is both a scholar and impassioned collector. With 25 years in business, his know-how and expertise goes beyond the purely theoretical. He owns two galleries on Hollywood Ro

Wai Ming Hong was developed by Mr William Yu in Hong Kong since 1989. William started food trading at the beginning of his business. He is exploring the potential market endlessly. Nowadays, Wai Ming

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南風發展有限公司 於 1978 年成立以來,積極發展花卉園藝服務,提供優質月租植物及保養,亦為顧客設計及佈置園林。每年由美國入口聖誕樹,聖誕花及經銷農曆年桃花桔果。 Since its establishment in 1978, Nam Fung Development Ltd. has been providing excellent nursery services, for retail
N鮮花及禮籃 / 園藝及盆栽Nam Fung Development Ltd.

Mok Luk Kee Metal Work Foundry has been in brassware business since 1964. In 1988 we expanded into manufacture to China at Dung Kuan. Our products are specialized in various brass, aluminum alloy mad
消閒及娛樂 / 藝術及手工藝莫六記五金鑄造製品廠有限公司

About Us Kwok Keung was established in 1983. In the past twenty years, Kwok Keung was grown to become one of the best providers of photo frames and photo albums in the industry. Kwok Keung not only o
消閒及娛樂 / 藝術及手工藝國強金屬製品

我們是香港唯一一間,傳授正規且全面性立體技術的私人工作室,涵蓋的雕塑項目包括: 金屬類 :窯爐金屬鑄造、直接法(鍛造技巧及焊接)、腐蝕、表面處理(電鑄術及金屬化學着色法) 玻璃 : 冷工(雕刻、腐蝕、鑲嵌、打磨切割拋光)、暖工(熔接、釉彩、水晶鑄造術)、熱工(燈工燒製) 陶瓷 : 造型技巧、釉彩、製模 首辦技術 :立體揑塑(蠟、泥)、翻模技巧(矽膠、石膏、藻膠)、注模技巧(樹脂、石膏、蠟、石化石
M消閒及娛樂 / 藝術及手工藝Metal And Earth Sculpture Studio

如何購買您喜愛的版畫 ? 您只需在電郵上列出喜愛的版畫作品的編號,將電郵寄到季普園香港總公司銷售部 ( [email protected] ),我們的銷售代表會把該版畫的報價電郵給您。 有關付款方法,我們接受信用卡(Visa and Master)或電匯(銀行匯款)。為完成交易,閣下有可能需要提供個人資料以供核對。

Open art platform to provide rent free services Overseas networking Care about heritage and city development Mount Annual City Festival General Enquiries [email protected] Tel (852) 2521 7251 (

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家居 / 園藝及戶外設備滅蚊機 滅蚊燈專家 太陽能滅蚊總代理公司

Attention to all the passionate ART LOVERS out there, who breathes, craves and desires ART Expose to the world for the very first time in Hong Kong . Exhibition: JLEE 360 Artist Reception: March 8th,
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